SIR - Alec Suchi (T&A, November 8) got it all wrong, my article did not advocate that we do nothing about global warming.

If he had read the rest of the article, he would know I was urging the Government to invest very heavily in environmentally-friendly ways of producing energy, ie solar energy and water power.

What I was questioning was our ability to get other countries to follow our example.

Mr Suchi seems to think we are held in the same regard as we were many years ago when we were head of the Commonwealth. In those days, when Britain spoke, everybody listened, and offered to help.

Today, we are just a tiny island that gets involved with problems around the world, and nobody offers to help.

While Al Gore may be right, he is telling us nothing that we don't know already, and we don't need an American to tell us how to make savings, while they do nothing.

I concede we are compounding the problem, but will never get the support worldwide to stop the acceleration. Too many sacrifices will have to be made.

Keith Rayner, Laburnum Drive, Baildon