SIR - I write in agreement with Philip Davies regarding the need to discuss immigration (T&A, November 8).

While I agree with Kris Hopkins that come General Election time education and health are important issues, immigration needs to be high on the agenda along with Europe.

The BNP has steadily gained votes and is now in a position where it has seats on a few councils.

Throughout Bradford the BNP gained a large number of votes at the last elections, and it has not done this by having superb policies on health and education.

The main parties have conceded too many arguments on immigration and Europe, and have opened the political door to extremist groups.

By wanting to discuss these issues doesn't mean we are against them, it means we want to debate the issues involved.

At the moment we have a situation where hundreds of thousands of people are coming to our country from Eastern Europe and quite obviously it is going to have an impact on the economy. Were we consulted about this? No. A discussion is needed and it is needed now.

David Chapman (prospective Conservative candidate for Eccleshill), Meadowbank Avenue, Allerton