"Anti-social behaviour" has become one of the buzz phrases of the new century, which is something of a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, it seems that the numbers of people who have a total lack of respect for the feelings, thoughts, properties, ideologies and actual bodily safety of others has grown at an alarming rate.

On the other, we perhaps hear the phrase more and more often because the respectful, law-abiding majority has finally decided that enough is enough and the yobbish elements of society must be tackled once and for all.

Crime and anti-social behaviour are problems that affect the whole of the country. Bradford is no better or worse than other cities, but it is to be welcomed that the district is to bid to become a "Respect Action Area".

Such status will enable Bradford to better tackle anti-social behaviour, cut down on nuisance neighbours, improve school behaviour and attendance and generally, as the name implies, create more respect in the community.

It is also about recognising the very good work that has already taken place in the area, and building upon the not inconsiderable strides that have already been made in many quarters.

Should Bradford be granted this status, it would be gratifying if, thanks to the work of the district and the other areas and cities who are doing their bit to tackle bad behaviour, "anti-social" was slowly replaced as the nation's favourite buzzword by "respect".