SIR - The inappropriate and negligent use of fireworks has, once again, caused much inconvenience, distress and heartache for the local community, especially the elderly.

Rather than using the products in a safe, controlled environment, fireworks have, in some cases, been used randomly in a bid to cause havoc and terror.

The elderly have had fireworks posted through their letterboxes and been disturbed throughout the night by inappropriate use.

Fireworks have also been used by individuals to damage buildings, vehicles and other valuable assets.

Indeed, the levels of people that have been affected are not just limited to those mentioned above. It affects all of us.

The Council, every year, spends a fortune on clean-up operations, money that could be better spent elsewhere.

Moreover, this is a phenomenon that cannot be controlled as such.

However, caution, respect, safety and awareness are words that should be remembered throughout. We should always think about the vulnerable members of society who are affected by the inappropriate use of fireworks every year.

Therefore, the Government should push a strong agenda to deal with this issue and the matters arising from it.

Coun Mohammed Jamil (Con, Bowling and Barkerend) Pollard Lane, Bradford