SIR – John Hall and Philip Bird seem to use the term “socialist” in a perjorative way, much as Americans use the word “liberal” as a term of abuse.

May I remind them both that the only government that was remotely socialist was the post-war government of 1945, the one which created the Welfare State and the NHS, as well as nationalising the rail, coal, utility and postal and telephone industries, alongside creating British Airways and British Steel.

The Margaret Thatcher governments of 1979-1990 set about de-nationalising various industries, and we are currently paying a very heavy price for it, being ripped-off for gas, electric, water and telecommunications; industries which were formed for the common good. We have to import energy, despite being sat upon 300 years’ worth of coal.

The current government is currently dismantling the Welfare State and privatising the NHS by stealth.

It wasn’t socialism that caused the financial crisis of 2008, it was under-regulated capitalism. The same capitalism that rewards bankers with huge bonuses and FTSE 100 bosses with colossal salaries and perks, while the workforce fall behind in pay and job security.

Wake up John and Philip and smell the tax-avoided coffee.

Ian Parsons, Alexandra Road, Eccleshill