SIR – A few weeks ago, one reader suggested we leave our cars at home and use the buses to get to work or even when we do our shopping.

Can this person really see a woman, waiting at a bus stop, shopping bags and maybe two kids in tow? Then, when she gets off the bus, she has to walk 300 yards to her home.

And what of the car, do you really think we are going to leave it parked up on winter days?

In the Sixties dad didn’t have a car, we used public transport. There were no supermarkets, just the corner shop, for all our needs. We had trains to get us anywhere we wanted. Now stations have been closed.

A trip to BRI for us is two buses, into town and out again. The car is needed for shopping and hospital visits.

You suggest we get on our bikes. Do we go shopping on these also? Just imagine it, shopping bags across the handlebars, and where do we leave it, to stop it being nicked?

B Barraclough, New Works Road, Low Moor