SIR – In two short years, William Hague has managed to stir up civil wars in both Libya and Syria. In the latter case, the conflict has already made three million civilians homeless in the teeth of winter.

Nonetheless, Hague is still desperate to get actively involved in the conflict (I mean of course, to get the British military actively involved in the conflict.) To that end, he is now issuing tough-guy warnings to the Syrian government about the use of chemical weapons (Now where have we heard this before?). But where, I wonder, was our all-action hero when Israel was attempting to flatten Gaza City from both sea and air so that the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, could look tough for the up-coming elections? He was at the United Nations alongside America and Germany (among others) shamefully abstaining in a vote designed to give just a little recognition to the Palestinian people.

I find it bizarre how Hague has dropped so seamlessly into the role of America’s snivelling bully’s assistant (a position formerly occupied by T Blair).

Perhaps Hague also yearns for a life of ease outside politics? In the interests of world peace, let us fervently hope so.

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford