SIR – An online blog I read today asked “What is Labour for?” They were commenting on David Miliband's weak-kneed response to the latest Tory attacks upon the poor, the unemployed, and the disabled.

The same question might well be asked of Bradford Labour, as its councillors raised their hands, sheep-like, to implement a series of decisions on council tax, which will cost the average poor family nearly £200 a year.

Keir Hardie must be spinning in his grave, though the turncoat Ramsay Macdonald may be smiling in approval at this treason against Labour Party principles.

But Labour leader Dave Green shouldn’t be too complacent that the electorate will have forgotten all about this when the elections come around, because there are enough of us former Labour supporters who will make sure that they remember on polling day in May 2014.

To the many hundreds who signed our petition against imposing council tax on the sick and unemployed, it’s our intention to add many thousands who will join us in pledging never to vote for any councillor, of whatever party, who did not oppose this imposition upon the poor.

It will be interesting to see if the Respect councillors will join us in this campaign.

Karl Dallas, Church Green, Bradford