SIR – Your article ‘Play area spending plans are criticised’ (T&A, December 10) fails to mention that Bradford Council has worked alongside Baildon Parish Council to submit a bid for external funding to make up the shortfall to refurbish Southcliffe Drive playground.

Last month I wrote a letter in support of this as I fully agree there is a need for some improvements and I recognise the professional and enthusiastic efforts of the Parish Council to try to achieve this. The result of that bid will be known in February.

I would prefer to wait until then (over the winter months when play areas are less frequently used) for a decision on this, rather than spend almost the whole playground allocation, which was received from the developer for the West Lane housing development.

If we spent it all on Southcliffe Drive then there would be less than £10,000 remaining for a brand new play area in the West Lane part of Baildon.

The Liberal Democrats may think “no-one wants or needs a play area” there, but local residents who currently walk more than a mile to Jenny Lane playground may beg to differ.

Coun Debbie Davies (Conservative), Hartlington Court, Baildon, Shipley