SIR – The letter (T&A, December 6) from R G Jennings FRICS on the Odeon disappoints me.

His first comment on “a cool wind of common sense” is correct. There has been ten years awaiting, plus so many missed opportunities to put the building to better use.

However, when he makes an absurd statement of the Odeon being ‘jerry built’, I am amazed at this from a man of his letters.

The 500 local tradesmen, plus William Illingworth the eminent architect RIBA, Lord Mayor, the Alderman of Bradford, will turn in their graves. Such an insult.

In the era it was constructed, buildings were designed to last hundreds of years, unlike today’s reinforced concrete, glass-fronted structures of say 50 years.

The two million stock brick with 22in-thick foundations, the heavyweight steel beams, etc – say no more.

Personally, I am very much aware of how the New Victoria Theatre/Cinema was built, and should Mr Jennings like to contact me, I would be pleased to pass on information that may enlighten him.

Norman E Littlewood, Huddersfield Road, Wyke