SIR – I agree with Mr Hindle’s take on the Government’s minimum pricing of alcohol, (Letters, November 29), its just a ploy to make even more cash out of drinkers. Pubs are disappearing fast and some of the ones that are left are in decline.

Yes, people may resort to purchasing somewhat ‘dodgy’ alcohol from unscrupulous ‘entrepreneurs’ shall we say, and yes, it may come to one purchasing ‘moonshine’, which is more potent, as in the black market era Mr Hindle mentions.

As the song goes “What’s the use in prohibition, it may cause the same condition” etc.

The political elite can pay vast amounts for their ‘bit of pleasure’, but alas us working classes cannot, even if it is a curse!

The establishment should think long and hard why some people drink to excess – perhaps to forget for a while the mire that they have dropped us in.

Mrs Linda Johnston, Wightman Street, Bradford