SIR – Re ‘Mower falls into mine shaft’ (T&A, November 16). This is incredible news. This was once the home ground of Mailcoach Odsal FC, of which I was club secretary.

To think there were tunnels and shafts below us which could have opened at any time. I know there are miles of tunnels around the district.

An old map I have of Bradford has some of the mines clearly printed. We know they provided coal, not just for homes but also the steelworks.

There is no mention of the hole which appeared during a football match. This was in Carr Lane around 1949. A player fell down breaking a leg, I think. It was filled in and games continued to be played up to the late Sixties. By this time the pitch was always muddy with clay and very uneven. A bungalow estate was built around it.

The latest hole has appeared – will there be any more?

B Barraclough, New Works Road, Low Moor