SIR – It seems incredulous that while working for an organisation with so much “previous”, politicians can still find ways to fiddle expenses and perpetrate homes scams.

In all sizes of private business, expense claims are usually vetted by the claimant’s line manager, thus restricting misdemeanours to a month at most – in political life the fiddles seem to go on undetected for years.

Perhaps it is the fact that most politicians have never managed to hold down a job in private enterprise or worse still have worked in investment banking, which means they are unaware of the most basic practices most good businesses apply to financial control.

But let’s look on the bright side, as many of the nominees for the new police commissioners jobs are politicians, at least they will be well known to many members of the force they are working with. The old saying “Lions led by donkeys” has never been more true.

Bryan Hanson, Busy Lane, Windhill, Shipley