SIR – Whoever coined the phrase “crime doesn’t pay” belies everything that goes off in our society today!

Enough has been said of Jimmy Savile’s escapades down the years.

It would appear there’s one rule for us and another rule for those who have established themselves higher up the scale!

Chief Constables and our MPs seem immune from any form of discipline.

If Joe Bloggs steps out of line, he becomes an enemy of the state and is sunk without trace.

It’s debatable whether we should let Ed Miliband be given a chance to pull our country out of the doldrums.

If he has learned any lessons from the Blair/Brown administration, maybe it’s time to give him the opportunity to try and win his spurs!

Ed seems to have a more youthful approach to politics at this present time – so let’s be brave and give him a chance!

Joe McHugh, Fairfax Flats, Otley