SIR – As the Government has approved a third runway at Heathrow Airport, I would like to ask our resident Bradford Labour MPs how exactly this affects the Government’s carbon footprint and how, if at all, they are planning to offset this?

The Government continues to ram down our throats that we all need to reduce our carbon emissions or the Earth will be doomed to global meltdown, yet they have given the okay to a runway which will increase air traffic from 480,000 take-offs and landings per year to 605,000 by 2020 and to 720,000 by 2030?

I do not believe we are doomed due to this alleged ‘global warming’ and, as this latest Government decision proves, I don’t think they believe it either.

‘Global warming’ is clearly a convenient excuse by the Government to tax us further into oblivion.

Jason Smith, UK Independence Party Bradford chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury