SIR - Just over a year ago, Parliament was recalled early and MPs voted against going to war against President Assad of Syria’s forces.

One year on and the same process was re enacted except this time, approval was given and Britain is now at war with ‘IS’, the enemy of Assad.

Of course, we are not an ally of Assad, purely an enemy ...of his enemy!

The Government assures us we can limit our involvement to air raids, but this surely goes against the lessons of previous wars, where things begin on a smaller scale and then escalate out of control.

And of course, wars are not usually won on the basis of air attacks.

The cruel beheadings of hostages are said to have swayed public opinion towards approval of being actively involved, but some are right to wonder where this complex situation will head and if our government itself has any idea!

Certainly, it seems an odd thing to be doing to play into your ‘opponent’s hands’ doing precisely what they hope you will do.

But isn’t going back to Iraq with guns blazing, exactly what ‘IS’ wanted and the West has done?

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose