The Valley Parade fire disaster and how the community pulled together afterwards is embedded in the collective consciousness of this area and its people.

That is why, on the anniversary of the tragedy, Bradford again remembers those who lost their lives, those who were hurt and those who were bereaved.

But the passing of a quarter of a century since the fire gives today’s remembrance an added poignancy.

Perhaps this is because it makes people realise anew how long they have been without those who perished, of the future that was taken from the victims and how much they are missed.

Whatever the reasons, they are in people’s thoughts.

But while Bradfordians are not the type to forget, they also have strong characters and generous spirits.

It was these qualities that resulted in a determination to create a lasting tribute to the victims of the disaster – something fitting, meaningful and life affirming. That determination, in turn, gave rise to the Bradford Burns Unit.

Today we learn that an appeal to safeguard its future is set to smash the £100,000 target.

If that proves to be the case it will be an amazing achievement but, given the cause and what it represents, is anyone really surprised that Bradfordians have once again stepped up to the plate?