Silsden councillors have demanded action to stop access to a disused factory site in the town.

They spoke after travellers moved on to the car park of the former Weavestyle premises, off Keighley Road.

Police have spoken to the travellers, who are on private land, and are monitoring the situation.

The building is a modern industrial unit originally occupied by Riverside Fabrics, but has been empty for several years.

Councillors claim damage was caused to the building last year by travellers who temporarily occupied the site. They fear the site will suffer further damage if others are able to gain access.

Silsden town mayor Chris Atkinson said that last year, the travellers took metal fittings out of the building.

He said: “The owners need taking to task because it’s an eyesore, it’s dangerous and it’s not secure. The windows are smashed, the doors are off.”

Bradford councillor Andrew Mallinson, who represents Silsden, said he had told emergency services and council officers about the state of the building. He said: “I don’t think the landowner has done a very good job of securing the site.”

Town and district councillor Adrian Naylor added: “I’d be looking for the owners to put forward some plans to secure the property or develop it so businesses could move in and bring employment to the area.”

A police spokesman said the travellers were on private land so it was up to the landowner to take legal action to move them on.