An inner-city children’s centre has outstanding features for the ways it works with a Bradford community, a new report says.

Communityworks Sure Start Children’s Centre, in Undercliffe Lane, has been praised by inspectors at education watchdog Ofsted.

The centre, which is situated in an area with a large South Asian population, operates health and education services. It has a day nursery registered for 50 children aged under eight which is open five days a week and offers full day care, as well as after-school and holiday provision.

A team of inspectors assessed how the centre was performing during a two-day visit last month and found the quality of its provision to be ‘Good’ overall.

Particularly pleasing, inspectors said, was the “outstanding” support given to children’s positive behaviour, developing positive relationships within the community and the way the community contributes to decision-making and governance of the centre.

In her report, inspector Lorraine Rowson-Clark said: “Outcomes for users are good. The centre is particularly effective in helping children develop positive relationships and in promoting users’ contribution to the governance and decision-making of the centre.

“There are many strategies in place to support families in leading healthy lifestyles and these are having positive effects on children’s health.

“The centre is fully inclusive of all members of the community and staff show great understanding and respect, valuing difference and celebrating diversity.”

Jane Lees, manager of the centre, said: “We are really pleased with the findings of the inspectors and very grateful to all the parents that were so keen to praise the difference we had made to their lives. The parents were fantastic and so were all the staff and we are all really proud of Communityworks and our community and all that we have achieved together.”

  • Read the full story Monday’s T&A