The outlook has never been brighter for manufacturers in Yorkshire and Humber, according to a quarterly survey.

The results, collated by manufacturers’ organisation EEF and Yorkshire-based accountancy firm BDO LLP, state that companies are recording high demand alongside rising outputs and headcounts.

Forty-seven per cent of the region’s manufacturers reported order growth in the first three months of 2014, the strongest-ever result for the first quarter.

Alongside this strong start, output, employment and investment all increased, resulting in mounting regional confidence.

Manufacturing outputs reached a balance of 41 per cent, marking the highest level since mid-2011, whilst a balance of 47 per cent of companies also increased headcounts.

Improving trading conditions have led 30 per cent of local companies to plan on increasing investments to maximise potential growth opportunities.

Andrew Tuscher, EEF Yorkshire region director, said: “Manufacturers are clearly feeling more confident as their order books fill up and exports are strong.”