Children’s centres across Bradford and Airedale are supporting a campaign to encourage parents and carers to protect their children from the dangers of secondhand smoke.

The NHS stop smoking team is working closely with children’s centres to raise awareness of the risks of secondhand smoke to children at home and in cars.

There are harmful toxins in cigarette smoke and children are especially vulnerable. There are no safe levels of secondhand smoke and the best way to protect children is to quit smoking.

Wyke Children’s Centre is one centre supporting the stop smoking team by running stop smoking sessions and having a trained person to help parents and carers who want to quit.

Pat Sherry, centre manager, said: “I was a smoker for over 30 years before I quit with help from the local NHS three years ago, so I know how hard it is to stop but also how much better it is if you do.

“We build stop-smoking messages into the general family support that we offer and also use our champion to give further help to those people who want it.”

Lorraine Bradbury, from the stop smoking team at NHS Airedale, Bradford and Leeds said: “We’re really pleased to have support from the local children’s centres in helping parents and carers to understand the dangers of secondhand smoke, and to make sure their homes and cars are smoke-free.”

Anyone who wants free help and support can call (01274) 202793 or ask their GP. Stop smoking clinics are run at many venues while Wyke Children’s Centre’s sessions are on Tuesdays, from 4pm to 6pm, and on Fridays, from 2pm to 4pm.