Liberal Democrat group leader Councillor Jeanette Sunderland has criticised Labour for increasing the charges for sitting services by 200 per cent.

It follows a review of the means-tested charges for adult home and day care services in the district.

The charges have not altered since 2006 and reflect a notional cost, not the actual cost.

As a result the sitting service, day care and home care costs have been subsidised.

Coun Sunderland said: “This is the wrong time to increase these charges. Carers of the most vulnerable people will be hit.”

She added: “The sitting service is one that carers rely on.

“It enables them to go out to the shops, get their hair done or just take a break. It gives them the opportunity to do the ordinary things that people without caring responsibilities just take for granted.”

The costs will go up from £4.13 a hour to £12.75 an hour from August, and charges for home care will increase by 33 per cent, while day care costs will raise by 70 per cent. The overall package a person receives will continue to be means-tested meaning no one will be expected to pay more than they can reasonably afford.