A descendent of one of the founders of herbal remedy company Heath and Heather is opening a new health food store in Shipley.

Jonathan Martell, the great-great grandson of leading herbalist James Ryder, who started selling affordable remedies in 1920, has bought and rebranded Shipley Health Store in Westgate.

Mr Martell, who is also operations director of Shipley design agency Creative Spread, said the venture would follow the same principles as Heath and Heather, which pledged to supply the finest herbal remedies at low prices and to regard customers as personal friends.

He said: “Being a relative of the original Heath and Heather company founders, I feel it is important in running an independent health food store to bring back some of the wonderful history and heritage of what was Heath and Heather.

“Shipley Health Store will endeavour to follow all of its fantastic aims and ideals and will also work with suppliers based in the district.”

Heath and Heather, which became a thriving chain of shops and a global mail order business, was founded by James Ryder, a retired schoolteacher, and his brother Samuel, a seed merchant, who also presented the Ryder cup in 1927.

An agent of the company was based in Otley Road, Shipley during the 1950s.

Shipley Health Store will open tomorrow.