An 11-year-old girl has been injured in a smash involving three cars in Bradford.

The crash which happened at the junction of Lilycroft Road and Westfield Road in Manningham shortly after midnight today.

A grey Audi A3 had been travelling along Lilycroft Road towards Toller Lane when it was involved in a collision with a red Nissan Micra travelling from Lower Westfield Road to Westfield Road. The Audi then struck a parked BMW.

The injured girl, of Heaton, who was in the back of the Nissan suffered a head wound and was taken to Bradford Royal Infirmary. Her injuries are not considered life-threatening.

Police have urged anyone who saw the collision or the Audi or Nissan beforehand to contact PC 6097 James Alderson at the Western Area Roads Policing Unit on (01274) 376241.