A former pupil of Settle High School is busy preparing for her third consecutive London Marathon in aid of sick and injured pets.

Originally from Giggleswick, Jan McLoughlin (née McCreedy) is director general of the UK’s leading veterinary charity PDSA and since running her first marathon in 2010, she has raised an astounding £30,000 for the charity.

She is hoping to add another £20,120 when she takes part in this year’s 26-mile marathon next Sunday, April 22. Jan, who now lives in Shropshire, said: “Working for PDSA I see every day the vital work the charity does treating sick and injured pets across the whole of the country.

“And with more households facing economic hardship in these difficult times, our task is becoming even more challenging.

“It now costs more than £60 million every year to fund PDSA’s PetAid services, all of which comes through voluntary donations.

“If my marathon efforts can make a noticeable contribution to funding this important ongoing work and building the three new hospitals that we desperately need, then the months of training and all the aches and pains will have been worth it.”

An important aspect of Jan’s training has been in the form of four-legged company.

“When I’m out running I often take Bobby, my rescued Labradoodle, with me. Without a doubt he keeps me motivated, plus it keeps him fit, and he clearly loves it too,” explained Jan.

To donate towards Jan’s marathon effort, visit uk.virginmoneygiving.com/ JanMcLoughlin1