A 36-year-old man has been jailed for two years for street robbery, shoplifting and house-breaking.

Damon Manders, of North Avenue, Manningham, Bradford, stole a £700 television set from a house in Cedar Close, Bierley, Bradford, in February last year.

Spared jail, he went on to twice “brazenly” steal vacuum cleaners, each worth £185, from Asda in Rooley Lane, Bradford, in September.

Still at large, he robbed Rizwan Khan of his mobile phone in Sunbridge Road, Bradford, at 10am on October 30, while on bail, Bradford Crown Court heard yesterday.

Mr Khan was pushed by a drunken Manders at 10am as he walked into the city centre with his new phone.

Manders made off with the phone but Mr Khan caught up with him and the pair struggled in the road.

The defendant again made off with the phone but did not have it on him when he was caught by the police soon afterwards.

Manders, who pleaded guilty to all the offences, had been doing very well on a community order, his lawyer Simon Hustler told the court.

The robbery was “unplanned and opportunistic” after Manders switched from drug abuse to drink.