A father-of-three has been warned to expect a long jail sentence for critically injuring a man in a knife attack in a Bradford alleyway.

John Sealy, 47, of Parkfield Road, Manningham, Bradford, pleaded guilty yesterday to unlawfully wounding Saeed Ali Emier with intent to do him grievous bodily harm on October 28.

Sealy was set to stand trial for attempted murder but Nick Adlington, barrister for the Crown, said his plea to the alternative offence was acceptable.

Police were called just after 5pm after reports that a man had been badly injured in an argument at the back of a cafe, off Priestman Street, Manningham.

Mr Emier was rushed to Bradford Royal Infirmary and remained unconscious on the day following the attack. He needed surgery to remove half a lung.

Judge Peter Benson, who will sentence Sealy on April 27, told him: “You must expect a significant custodial sentence.”

The judge adjourned the case for the preparation of a probation service report, saying it must focus on the level of risk Sealy poses to the public.

He was in breach of a suspended jail sentence for actual bodily harm when he attacked Mr Emier, 30.

Mr Adlington said he would have full details of Sealy’s previous convictions at the sentencing hearing.

He told Judge Benson that Sealy had pleaded guilty on a basis that was acceptable to the prosecution.

Unemployed Sealy, who was born in Barbados, has been in custody since the attack. His solicitor advocate, Ray Singh, did not apply for bail.