Manchester United and England footballer Tom Cleverley is set to kick off a season of centenary celebrations at Oxenhope Recreation FC following the completion of a £35,000 redevelopment of the club’s ground.

The former Bradford City youth midfielder, 23, has been confirmed as the guest of honour for the start of the club’s 100-year celebrations in June.

He will officially open a redeveloped pitch, marking the football club’s move back to the village where it began following a four-year exile.

They have been playing their home matches at Marley stadium, Keighley, while work has been carried out to upgrade its ground to West Yorkshire League standards.

Scott Nelson, a first-team player and committee member, said: “Tom Cleverley is originally from down south but he moved up to Bradford and lived all his life here until he got snapped up by Manchester United.

“He will be coming up to officially open the new pitch and will, potentially be bringing another player. A couple of the players know him fairly well and he said he was more than happy to help us out.”

Oxenhope Recreation had to move from the village when it stepped up from the Craven League after repeated league title and cup successes.

It left behind its steeply-sloping pitch for better facilities when it joined the West Yorkshire League. But the move has come at a cost, including the loss of support from villagers in Oxenhope, fans who the club wants to entice back.

The club also improved its changing rooms in the re-development, which has been funded by £10,500 raised by members and supporters and grants from grassroots sports funder the Football Foundation, Bradford Council and Oxenhope parish council.