A police Christmas campaign to clampdown on purse-dipping and pick-pocketing in Bradford city centre is being hailed a success.

Latest figures reveal that ‘theft from person’ offences last month were down by 20 per cent compared to the previous year.

Operation ‘Shocker’ was put in place by the city centre Neighbourhood Policing Team to combat the rise in reported thefts, traditionally seen over the festive period.

City Ward Neighbourhood Policing Team Inspector Kevin Pickles said he was delighted to see their efforts had made a difference.

He said: “Officers have worked extremely hard to target those who are committing these offences, which are often upon the elderly and most vulnerable.

“A combination of intelligence work, local knowledge and information from the public has enabled us to make a number of significant arrests, bringing about this reduction.

“Our concerted effort in advising shoppers about their personal security has also helped to prevent offences from occurring in the first instance.”

Insp Pickles said the use of plain-clothed officers patrolling the area had paid dividends in catching thieves in the act.