A total of 4,500 new homes will be needed in the south west of Bradford, according to draft plans by Bradford Council as part of its Local Development Framework.

The district-wide blueprint details a broad approach to where 45,500 homes could be built across the district until 2028.

Land will be allocated further down the line to set out the locations where the homes that are needed could be built. But first, a strategic assessment of available land in the south west area of the city identifies a total of 71 sites as having the potential for house building.

Out of these, planners believe 59 plots could be delivered within the 17-year timeframe of the assessment. At 32, more than half of these are classed as greenfield sites, and a further 22 are previously-developed land – or brownfield. Five of the sites are mixed.

In total, Council planners believe the 132 hectares of land could yield 4,282 homes, which is just short of the 4,500 target in the draft LDF. More than half of the sites are suitable for development now, while others are potentially suitable given policy constraints, such as being in the green belt. Two are potentially suitable, given physical constraints, such as needing access improvement or overcoming difficult ground conditions.

According to the document: “Bradford south west has a good mix of land types in the short term period to generate around 820 units. These comprise a combination of previously-developed sites and sites identified for housing in the replacement Unitary Development Plan which are still to be developed. A number of these sites are greenfield.”

The document continues: “Some previously developed sites may also be suitable for residential development and could come forward in the short or medium term of the trajectory subject to local constraints being resolved.”

A key site identified in Great Horton is Chesapeake packaging plant and warehouse and Field Sports and Social Club at Hollingwood Lane, Paradise Green. Part of the site is identified as employment land in the RUDP. From year seven onwards, planners believe 201 homes could fit on to the site, although its inclusion in the list is being reconsidered at review.

In addition, a former cricket ground, commercial buildings, and a retail unit at Northside Road, Lidget Green, could yield 275 homes. Planners believe the site is likely to become fully vacant in the near future but it would be suitable for a mixed development including some homes in the medium term.