People are being asked to play their part in keeping the district safe as Bonfire Night approaches by reporting Fly-tipping and dangerous bonfires.

Bradford Council, the police, fire service and social landlord, Incommunities, hope to tackle problems before they happen and are warning traders not to illegally dump their rubbish on bonfires.

In the run-up to November 5, enforcement officers will be stopping vehicles and issuing fines to drivers that carry waste without a licence.

And, with Incommunities workers, will crack down on fly-tipping, and help the fire service’s arson task force clear any rubbish.

Neighbourhood policing team officers will crack down on anti-social behaviour associated with bonfires, such as the use of fireworks.

Councillor Ghazanfer Khaliq, the Council’s executive member for environment and sport, said: “People shouldn’t think that the bonfire season will provide them with an opportunity to get rid of their rubbish on the cheap.

“Fly-tipped rubbish is not only unsightly but can be highly dangerous if arsonists set fire to it. We urge everyone to behave responsibly.”

Chief Inspector Darren Brown said a tremendous amount of work had taken place last year to cut anti-social behaviour by a quarter.

He said: “The period around bonfire night can bring with it an increase in incidents of anti social behaviour, particularly through the use of fireworks.”

Harry Whittle, director of Incommunities, estate and support services, said: “I would urge any Incommunities customers who see any areas of dumped rubbish to contact 0845 112 4000.”

Chris Booth, Bradford assistant district manager for the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, said: “Our protection teams and crews are working with schools in targeted areas to educate children on the dangers associated with bonfires and fireworks.”

Fly-tipping and dangerous or illegal bonfires can by reported by calling the Council on (01274) 431000.