Police have renewed appeals for witnesses to a fatal accident in Bradford, after naming the cyclist who was killed.

Vitalijs Rozenbergs, 22, died after his bicycle was in collision with a blue Audi RS3 sports car, outside Tesco in Canal Road, Bradford, at about 1.45am on Friday, September 16.

Mr Rozenbergs, a Latvian who was living at Spring Place, Shearbridge, Bradford, was riding towards Shipley when the accident happened.

The driver of the Audi, a 23-year-old Bradford man, was arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving and has been bailed pending further inquiries.

Police said they have now established a second vehicle, a black Mercedes, was present at the scene of the incident when it occurred.

The car has been recovered and examined and police have interviewed the 29-year-old male driver, under caution.

A police spokesman said he had not been arrested and had been helping officers with their inquiries. He has since been released.

A spokesman for Bradford Coroner’s office said funeral details from Mr Rozenbergs’ family were awaited and an inquest would be opened next week.

Mr Rozenbergs was pronounced dead at the scene despite the efforts of paramedics to save him. The road was closed for several hours to allow the police investigation to take place.

The accident is being investigated by West Yorkshire Police’s Major Collisions and Enquiries Team whose officers still want to speak to anyone who witnessed the accident.

Any witnesses, or anyone who saw the cycle rider, the Audi RS3, or a black Mercedes, just prior to the collision, should contact officers on (01924) 293047, or Crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800 555111.