A double rapist who demanded sex from his wife up to seven times a day has been given a 12-year extended prison sentence.

The “violent and controlling” Keighley husband, who cannot be named to protect the identity of his wife, must spend eight years behind bars for raping her on December 3 last year.

After his release, he will be closely monitored on a four-year period of extended licence.

The man, in his 30s, was sentenced by Judge Roger Ibbotson at York Crown Court.

He was convicted by a jury at Bradford Crown Court in April after a five-day trial.

During the case, it emerged that the man had a conviction for raping a former girlfriend.

The man’s wife, in her 20s, told the court her domineering husband demanded sex up to seven times a day. She said she usually submitted but one night after midnight in December she was too tired.

The woman told how her drunken husband forced himself on her and raped her.

She said her husband’s violent behaviour included incidents when he had punched her in the face, smashed her arm on a door and threatened to kill her.

She said he ordered her what to wear and whether to put on make-up and refused to give her any money.

The jury heard the man talked to other women on his Facebook account and texted one asking for sex.

  • Read the full story Saturday’s T&A