Residents of the Bradford district people who still have not returned their census forms are being warned that time is running out.

Investigators are now targeting households that have not completed and submitted the questionnaire.

Failure to make a census return is a criminal offence that can lead to prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000.

Since Census Day, on March 27, reminders have been sent out and thousands of collectors have been visiting homes.

Census director Glen Watson said: "We are now in the final phase of follow-up and people need to act straightaway to avoid the risk of a fine.

“We realise people lead busy lives and completing the census might not be at the top of their 'to do' list, but the time to act is now.

"Where people refuse to complete their form a formal investigation is undertaken and they can be interviewed under caution, evidence gathered and those details passed to the Crown Prosecution Service.

“A court hearing, a criminal record and a fine may follow."

Forms can still be returned in the pre-paid envelope provided or details may be submitted online at