The Government is to look into the admissions policy of a ‘free school’ in Bradford.

Plans were submitted last year for King’s Science Academy secondary school, for up to 600 pupils, in Northside Road, Lidget Green.

The Department for Education (DfE) says free schools are expected to be “fair and transparent” in their admission arrangements.

But Bradford East MP David Ward has criticised the process in the Commons, resulting in ministers saying they will look into the complaint.

He says the school is cherry-picking pupils, contrary to what it said in its application, where it stated that it would be a non-selective school.

At Education questions, Lib Dem Mr Ward said: “The proposed King’s Science Academy in Bradford, for which miraculously £10 million has been found, has described itself in its application as a ‘non-selective’ school.

“Is the Secretary of State as surprised as I am that it has already started sifting applications for admission, and, according to its website, intends to use a ‘non-verbal reasoning test’?”

Schools Minister Nick Gibb said he would be happy to take up the case and asked Mr Ward to write to him with more details so he could respond immediately.

  • Read the full story in Monday's T&A