A charity which helps young people leaving foster care in the Bradford district is in need of volunteers to provide temporary lodgings for them.

Action for Children’s Stepping Stones project places 16 to 25-year-olds who have been in the care system with trained volunteers who supply accommodation as well as offer guidance and support.

The scheme, run jointly with Bradford Council, is calling on people of all ethnic groups, religions and ages with a spare room to get in touch.

Action for Children’s Ronnie Smith said: “We have a number of vacancies for providers and we urgently need people from across the Bradford area to get involved. People from Bradford are caring and generous so I’m confident there will be a good response to this appeal.”

The charity matched Charlotte, who was removed from the care of her parents aged eight after years of neglect, with volunteer Lynne Hindley when she turned 16.

Miss Hindley said: “A friend persuaded me to get involved 18 years ago and it has been so rewarding. I get such a buzz from seeing the young people who come to me, often in a bit of a mess having suffered the chaos of the care system, going on to live their own lives with more confidence.”

Charlotte said: “Independence was exactly what I was craving but I wasn’t ready for my own place – I might have thought I could manage but I know now that there’s no way I would have known how to cope on my own.

“I know my time with Lynne has been a milestone in my life.

“She has been both a mentor and a friend. I have also gained an extended family.”

For more information call Kath Copley on 07904 105930, Joanne Jackson on 07702 637359 or Adele Potter on 07932 780436. Or e-mail tkathleen.copley@actionforchildren.org.uk.