The Victorian Society has criticised Bradford Council’s plans to close Manningham swimming Pool as part of its money-saving budget.

The venue is one of only 14 listed Victorian and Edwardian pools still in use across the country. But the Grade II-listed building in Carlisle Road is due to close to save £120,000 Dr Ian Dungavell, director of the Victorian Society, swam 105 lengths of the pool in July 2008 to commemorate its 105 years as a public swimming pool.

He said: “It would be a huge loss if Bradford couldn’t find a way to keep this important part of our heritage open and in use.

“I’ve been swimming in historic pools all around the country, but virtually none are left in this intact state.

“It is truly extraordinary to swim in Manningham Baths. Historic pools like this are an endangered species and we need to look after them.”

The leader of the Council, Councillor Ian Greenwood, said the pool was not fit for purpose.

“It would take a massive amount of money to improve or replace it so we have no alternative,” he said. But at the budget meeting he said he would entertain alternative means of running facilities which are subject to closures.

Bruce Barnes, a member of Bradford Coalition Against the Cuts, said his regular swims in the pool were one of the pleasures of Manningham life.

He said: “Visitors are faced with rotting and draughty windows, and toilets in disreputable decorative order. But we still want to swim there. It’s a real asset in terms of Edwardian architecture. The Council has never really promoted it. I don’t think they are aware of its importance. It’s a national treasure.”

Manningham pool was earmarked for closure three years ago when consultants conducted a study into the district’s swimming provision. More than 2,600 people signed up to the Telegraph & Argus’s Save Our Swimming campaign, calling for the Council to safeguard the future of Bradford’s community swimming pools. The scheme was then shelved.

Mr Barnes wants to hear from anyone interested in saving Manningham Pool at