Bradford Council is taking action against a householder who has illegally parked a lorry trailer in his front garden.

Dozens of residents have complained to councillors about the trailer in Leeds Road, Eccleshill, which they say is blighting their homes.

Council officers have visited the property, on the border of Bolton and Undercliffe and Eccleshill wards, and the authority is now preparing an enforcement notice for its removal.

Part of a stone wall was knocked down to enable the trailer, used to store furniture, to be reversed into the front garden.

Councillor David Gray (Lib Dem, Bolton and Under-cliffe) said he had received about 30 complaints from residents.

He said: “It’s an absolute eyesore. Quite simply it shouldn’t be there. It’s abusing the planning system. That’s why he is going to be enforced to remove it.

“There’s no consideration for other people. It’s not a warehouse, it’s a residential area. I appreciate he needs somewhere to store his merchandise but it’s hardly a suitable location.”

Mary Murtagh, who lives nearby, said delivery vans parked close to the trailer blocked her view of the road when she left her house.

She said: “It’s a residential area and that thing’s not a residential vehicle by any stretch of the imagination. He just took part of the wall down and this thing appeared. It’s upset all the neighbours around here.”

Audrey Ashworth, of nearby Musgrave Grove, said: “It’s a safety risk to start with. It’s propped up and there’s a lot of school children that come along here.

“If it slid down it could cause an awful accident. The white van is constantly there and causing an obstruction.”

Councillor Geoff Reid, (Lib Dem, Eccleshill) said: “People have been very concerned about it.”

A Bradford Council spokesman said: “A letter has been sent to the property and visits have been made regarding the trailer. An official enforcement notice requiring its removal is now being prepared and will be issued as soon as it is ready.”

The trailer owner was unavailable for comment.