A former primary school teacher has paid tribute to her “inspirational” husband in this year’s Christmas Star Appeal.

Denis Sharp, a retired catering manager, died suddenly in 2008 aged 85, four years after he and his wife Elizabeth were married.

The couple, who lived in Menston, were members of the Lord Mayor’s Appeal Committee in 2004, the first year the Christmas Star Appeal was held, to help raise funds for the Arthritis Research Campaign and Manorlands hospice. This year’s appeal is for a new adventure playground at the Nell Bank outdoor centre in Ilkley.

Mrs Sharp, who taught at Cavendish Primary School and also runs Wharfedale Festival of Performing Arts, said: “We were only together briefly. He was an absolute inspiration, not just to me but to anyone. He would go the extra mile for anyone. Whatever they needed he would help. That’s so rare these days. He was so inspirational and I miss him.”

People who have donated a star will be invited to City Hall on Tuesday, December 7, to see it displayed on a Christmas tree and to have coffee and mince pies with the Lord Mayor.

Mrs Sharp said: “It’s ironic that at the first Christmas Star event we sat there taking names as people arrived and now Denis’s name is on the tree.”

The Christmas Star Appeal has raised £7,100 for Lord Mayors’ appeals since it started.

Nominations should be sent on the form in today's Telegraph & Argus with a donation cheque for £5 or more, payable to The Lord Mayor’s Appeal, to City Hall, Bradford BD1 1HY.

Envelopes should be clearly marked Christmas Stars. For more details, call Alexis Jenner on (01274) 434965 or e-mailalexis.jenner@bradford.gov.uk. The closing date is Friday.

e-mail: hannah.baker@telegraphandargus.co.uk