Jim G Dutt is the chairman of the Pakistan Asian Christian Welfare Organisation, a Bradford-based group representing the interests of Christians in Pakistan, who they say are often persecuted.

The Pakistani Christians in the UK feel deeply distressed about the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Pakistan.

On October 29, 2001, Muslim religious leaders and extremists declared that if one Muslim is killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan, it will result in five Christians being killed in Pakistan.

In June 2006 it was reported in national newspapers that Pakistan religious minister Izazul Huq said that the government there would not change the Blasphemy Laws which see many non-Muslims prosecuted, often on flimsy grounds.

The minister was reported as saying that even if 100,000 Christians lost their lives because of the Blasphemy Laws, that would not mean they would be repealed.

This is indeed a dangerous and frightening message for the millions of Christians and the international community.

Since the beginning of 2006, 12 churches, church-run institutions, boys' and girls' hostels, schools, colleges, nuns' convents, hospital Christian houses and properties have been destroyed in Pakistan.

The Bible has been burnt in deliberate church fires. On February 3, 2006, a Christian woman, Nasreen Bibi, was beaten and stripped naked in public and sent to jail for defending the Cross from desecration. Later on she was charged with having insulted the Khana Kara, the most sacred place for Muslims.

Nasreen Bibi claimed that the Cross was desecrated and thousands of Muslim extremists were attacking the Christians and churches, and that madness continued all day.

On May 27, 2006, a Christian, Qamar David, was arrested in Karachi under misused Blasphemy Laws. Now he is in prison waiting to be charged.

On November 16, 2005, in Sangla Hill town, four churches, nuns' convents, schools, boys' and girls' hostels, Christian houses and properties were destroyed. The 450 families with men, women, children, old and sick people were on the run.

Since 1987, 60 churches have been destroyed and nearly 200 Christians have been killed. Hundreds of Christians are in prison and many among them are waiting to be hung under misused Blasphemy Laws.

Christianity faces a fight to survive. Christians are poor and defenceless, but it is not easy to break their strong faith.

The deterioration of human rights in Pakistan frustrated the minorities, especially the millions of Christians. They are accused of misused blasphemy.

The Christians in Pakistan physically, psychologically, socially, culturally, spiritually and economically are strangulated.

We, the Asian Christians in the UK, urge the people of the UK, church leaders, peaceful Muslim communities and international communities to save the ten million Christians from horrors of torture, chaos and killing.

The Christians are desperate, defenceless and trapped among Muslim extremists and terrorists.