A recording studio costing almost £500,000 has been unveiled at the headquarters of the Prism Youth Project.

The group works with school support services firm Education Bradford to harness the potential of excluded school pupils and other disengaged young people at its centre in Girlington.

It runs a series of projects and the latest, its Multi Media Project, was opened yesterday. It aims to encourage 11 to 24-year-olds to learn new skills using technology to produce works such as video collages, films, music and photography.

They will learn how to edit their work using computer software, aspects of graphic design, drama, dancing and singing, lyric writing, rapping and MC-ing. Their work will highlight issues that effect their transition into adulthood.

Young people who complete the project will gain an Open College Network accredited qualification.

Tracy Wheatley, Prism Youth Project’s development manager, said: “The young people we spoke to about this project said they were sick and tired of the negative image of young people reflected in the media and they wanted to address that.

“By producing multi-media works using this technology they want to show the positive contribution they have to offer.”

The cost of the five-year project has been raised through grants, including £415,000 from the Young People’s Big Lottery Fund and contributions from Bradford Council’s Youth Opportunity Fund, Youth Capital Fund, Santander Charitable Trust and the Co-operative Community Fund.

The money has also paid for a computer suite, a cafe and a lounge area.

Galaxy FM radio DJ JoJo, who cut a ribbon to open the new facilities, was joined by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Bradford, Councillor Peter Hill and his wife Gillian, and Councillor Michael Kelly (Con, Craven).

The Project’s managing director, Paul Craven, said: “Prism is delighted to launch this fantastic new facility which will reach thousands of young people and enable them to channel their energy creatively in a positive direction.”

For more information visit prismyouthproject.org