Most youngsters who play football like to kick a ball against a wall.

Now they can practise this skill and compete against others, both locally and nationally, and help the Bradford City Burns Unit Appeal into the bargain.

Former Bradford City striker John Hawley, a member of the 1984 Third Division Championship side, has come up with a national competition called the Skills, Drills Schools Cup.

He unveiled it at Titus Salt School, Baildon, yesterday with the help of fellow former player Mark Ellis.

Mr Hawley – now an antiques dealer and auctioneer – said: “Normally, football teams involve 15 or 16 kids, but everyone can take part in this.

“All they have to do is kick a ball against a wall ten times, film it, time it and post it on my website – The fastest 20 in each school will compete against each other.

“Entry is free this year, but I am suggesting that schools taking part make a voluntary donation to the Burns Unit.

The Telegraph & Argus-backed Burns Unit Appeal is aiming to raise £100,000 to keep the pioneering Burns Research Unit at Bradford University – set up in the aftermath of the 1985 Bradford City fire – from possible closure.