The far right British National Party's decision to put up candidates for both the Otley and Yeadon and Guiseley and Rawdon wards in the local council elections has been roundly condemned by their rivals.

Wayne Patrick Taylor, of Leeds, is standing for the BNP in Guiseley and Rawdon, while Mark Gates, of Shaw Royd, Yeadon, is standing for election for the BNP in Otley and Yeadon on May 4.

Ryk Downes, seeking re-election for the Liberal Democrats in Otley and Yeadon, said he was disappointed that a BNP candidate had been nominated for the second time.

"I'm sad that the BNP have chosen Otley once again to stand. I believe what they stand for would not be good for anywhere at all, let alone Otley and Yeadon.

"I believe they have a potential to be divisive rather than bringing communities together."

Mr Downes added; "I would urge people to exercise their right to vote to make sure the BNP does not slip in through the back door."

Labour candidate for Otley and Yeadon, John Eveleigh, said: "Obviously I don't welcome the fact that the BNP have put their head above the parapet again but, I would hope that they get their just deserts and that the people in the two wards will resist their xenophobia and racism and send them packing.

"Our colleagues in Keighley have recently seen them off at a by-election and I would hope that we can also give them a drubbing in Otley."

Conservative John Bale, who is seeking re-election in Guiseley and Rawdon, said he found it hard to respect a political party that did not recognise the equality of all.

"I have respect for all my political opponents, but I find it hard to regard a party that does not respect all human beings. I take a very poor view of the party and hope that people will not vote for them."

Conservative candidate for Otley and Yeadon, Nigel Francis, said freedom of speech had paved the way for political parties such as the BNP.

"People believe that our way of life is under threat and believe the only way out is the far right or the far left," he said.

In Otley and Yeadon, all three main political parties are represented, in addition to the BNP, the Green Party and the Alliance for Green Socialism.

In Guiseley and Rawdon, in addition to Labour, Liberal Democrat, Conservative and BNP, also represented is the Green Party and Alliance for Green Socialism.

In Adel and Wharfedale, the English Democrats, Putting England First, has put up a candidate against Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats.

And in Horsforth, nominations have also been received for The Green Party and for the Christian Peoples Alliance.