Bike barmy Wayne Barrett is to dash 8,000 miles in three weeks on a motorcycle designed for nipping to the office or shops.

His trusty steed will be a Honda 90cc Cub he picked up for £140.

The scooter must carry Wayne from London to Ulaan Baatar, the capital of Mongolia.

He has entered the Mongol Rally - a challenge to cross 11 countries, two deserts and five mountain ranges - which is billed as the "mother of all adventures".

Wayne, 31, of Beechcliffe, Keighley, a warehouseman who works in Skipton, is travelling alone after his two mates dropped out.

"I've never been one to quit so I intend to do this solo - 8,000 miles and no support team," he said. "Even if I have to finish the race riding on a camel or a yak, I will make it."

He is confident that everything which can be done will be done to make sure the little machine gets there.

And to that end he has roped in Keighley College motorcycle tutor Roger Henderson, of Bingley, himself a long-distance motorcycle adventurer.

Roger has been working to modify the Cub since January with help from some of the students.

Wayne said: "Roger has done a fabulous job. If I'd taken it anywhere else it would probably have only got a lick of paint and a service but Roger and his students have made it fit for the trip and I'm optimistic."

He will start from London, travel through Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan and finally into Mongolia

Roger said: "The bike is robust enough and it should get there but it will have to overcome some very severe terrain."

It has been adapted with reinforced front forks, braced frame and swing arm and has two extra fuel tanks and strengthened wheels.

While Roger and his team have been working on the bike, Wayne has been brushing up on his Russian, studying maps, trying to lose weight so that he can carry more and testing his endurance on a trip from Land's End to John O'Groats.

Wayne is seeking a minimum £1,000 of sponsorship for the marathon which is now in its third year.

The money raised - he hopes to collect a pound for every mile he travels - will go to the Send a Cow charity which buys animals for African families.

Anyone who wants to sponsor Wayne, who already has backing from Ultimate Outdoors in Skipton, can contact him on 079477 85530.