A Bradford man who had to miss much of his schooling while he was treated for a brain tumour is being helped into a job in the NHS thanks to a new training programme.

Waseem Shah, 23, is building his confidence and ability to find work by taking part in a training programme being run by Bradford District Care Trust, the organisation which manages mental health and learning disability services in the district.

Specifically designed to help people from minority ethnic communities into jobs in the NHS, it runs for six weeks and gives people the skills they need to get into work.

"I left school without any qualifications," said Waseem, who is currently applying for administrations jobs in the NHS.

"This course has really boosted my confidence, as well as my ability so I have felt able to go for more interviews.

"I also really enjoyed every aspect of it."

The Employability course includes work ethics, health and safety, manual handling, first aid, basic food hygiene and safe cleaning.

Trainees are also offered work placements in the wide range of careers in the NHS, including IT, administration, healthcare, gardening and catering.

Employability project manager for the Care Trust, Lorraine Thacker said: "We discussed with Trust managers exactly what skills and qualities the ideal job candidate would have.

"We then work with the trainees to equip them with these skills so they are ready to apply for suitable positions."

The trainees range in age from their 20s to 40s and some have never had a job.

"Some people lack confidence or have poor communication skills," said Lorraine. "We work with them to build these important attributes.

"It has been a great success so far. We are getting good results from those who have attended but we would really like more people to come forward and take part.

"Most people think that a career in the health service is all about doctors and nurses. But, as the single biggest employer in the country, there are hundreds of different careers which means there is something for everyone."

The NHS Employability Programme - run in partnership with Jobcentre Plus - aims to help people who experience barriers or discrimination when trying to find a job, enter the world of work with the NHS.

Within the Care Trust Lorraine is focusing on people from black and minority ethnic communities, people with learning disabilities and those with mental health problems.