Reasons canal plan can succeed

SIR - Browsing in a newsagents this week I could not help noticing just how many magazines cater now for canal boats and the like - and from one I noticed that Liverpool is to create a new connection to join their end of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal to the already renovated docks as part of their "Capital of Culture 2008" plans (remember those?)

Well it really would be a start to brightening up Bradford to get the canal reopened. Okay, not to the city centre yet maybe, but surely it would take little in money or effort to reopen the link to the "main line" at Shipley, thus smartening up a grotty corner of that town and proving the idea could work.

Now I know Bradford delights in a certain type of whining nasal-voiced "naysayer" who'll object to anything on principle, but please ignore them this time. Canals now can be stunningly modern - just look at that Falkirk wheel for a fine example.

Reopening say to Queen's Road would surely be relatively simple. Most of the bridges are still there, after all. Of course there's no "canal freight" now - just leisure craft, and anglers, and walkers, and cyclists, and wildlife...

And who knows, the rail link might happen next!

Martin Spicer, Bath Place, Boothtown, Halifax.

Criticism puzzling

SIR - I read with interest the letters page (T&A, December 10), and with some mirth.

Out of nine letters, eight had a political connotation - strange when all we hear is that people are not interested in politics.

Even stranger was Gareth Logan's letter. It would appear to show he is well-versed in the running of the Council and well-informed on the political decisions of the day.

His edification and mathematical workings amaze me. I am sure though he remembers his friends in the Labour Party decided not to take their places on the executive thus leaving all decisions to the Conservatives.

Strange how he uses Conservative once and Tories six times, but let's not forget he did use Labour once.

I find it ironic that, having abdicated their position of responsibility on the executive, any Labour councillor or supporter should choose to criticise how the Council is run, rather than criticise their own party for failing in its responsibility.

Tough decisions have had to be made, but when it came to be counted Labour decided on a nil balance.

And before anyone rushes to put pen to paper, I am a Conservative.

Glen Miller, The Chase, Keighley.

Just ponder this

SIR - Dean Loynes maintains that the West Yorkshire Police force are under funded, when they have more police than ever before, plus many more police community support officers (Letters, December 7).

Rather than attack the Government; how about this for a thought.

If it hadn't have been for continued economic stability, Mr Loynes would not have enjoyed the luxury of thousands of 18 to 30-somethings, flocking into the town centres to line his pockets!

Geoff Tasker, Park Road, Low Moor.

Warmongers USA

SIR - The United States occupies 702 military installations in 132 countries worldwide excluding Sweden! This frank admission is defined as "full-spectrum dominance" which means control of land, sea, air and space and all attendant resources.

The US possesses 8,000 active and nuclear warheads - 2,000 are on alert to be launched with 15 minutes' warning. It is developing new systems of nuclear force called bunker busters. The British, standing shoulder to shoulder with the US, intend to replace their own nuclear missile Trident.

The US is on a permanent military footing and knows it has the blessing of our own dear Prime Minister.

Millions of Americans are shamed and angered by their Government's actions and their anxiety, fear and uncertainty is growing daily.

Meanwhile, the illegal war in Iraq rumbles on. The 2,000-plus American dead are an embarrassment, so much so they are transported to their graves in the dark.

Before the insurgency, at least 100,000 Iraqis were killed by American bombs and missiles. Their deaths have not even been recorded as being dead. "We don't do body counts", said the American General Tommy Franks.

You couldn't make it up if you tried, could you?

Philomena Hingston, Leaventhorpe Avenue, Fairweather Green, Bradford 8.

Enough is enough

SIR - While agreeing with most of what Mike Jones says on political correctness (T&A, December 14) and supporting Philip Davies's fight against it, let's get one thing straight and not follow the Daily Mail's route.

The schoolgirl he mentioned was not banned from wearing a crucifix, per se, the ban was on jewellery in general and the girl admitted that she was not wearing it for religious reasons.

And remember, in France, certain Islam girls' attire has been banned as part of a general ban on clothing of any religious significance.

We have not gone that far but far enough and enough is indeed enough!

P E Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley.

Join the campaign

SIR - I can't tell you how glad I am that our local Tory MP is taking up the challenge to reduce the amount of rubbish he produces over the festive period (T&A, December 14).

I welcome his plan to reduce, reuse and recycle paper, cards, Christmas trees and household waste.

Perhaps he would also be willing to join Lib-Dem MEP Chris Davies in his campaign to reduce unnecessary packaging.

Coun John Briggs, (Lib-Dem, Baildon), Baildon Road, Baildon.

No commitment?

SIR - I have little confidence in the environmental efforts of our national government.

While the rest of Europe began the recycling of televisions, computers, fridges and the like in August, after six years to prepare, the UK put it off until next June for more consultation.

They have now decided to put it off again, for more consultation, and I am left seriously questioning the commitment and the priorities.

Keith Thomson, Heights Lane, Bradford.

Clean your mess

SIR - Would the dog walkers of Market Street, Thornton, like to clean the pram wheels and toddlers' shoes of their dog's mess? It gets worse than ever each day.

Could the guilty parties find a way around Market Street and leave the main street in the village clean of dog mess?

Thank you.

Veronica Farnell, Market Street, Thornton.

What an example

SIR - We hear horrifying stories about violence and bullying in schools. Then, on a Monday morning at 7.30am, on a BBC2 children's programme, it showed a girl threatening someone with a large pair of scissors and actually chasing her victim.

Some example, and we are paying them our licence fee to fund this.

Mrs J Smith, Greenside Lane, Cullingworth.

I'm with you...

SIR - I never thought I should ever agree with comments made by your correspndent Keith Thomson but he hit the nail on the head about absenteeism at primary schools (T&A, December 13).

I was also pleased to see Philip Davies is fighting for our full withdrawal from the EU (not Europe!)

P E Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley.