The new year will begin with a rise in the cost of sports and leisure in Bradford, which many people who make use of the district's facilities are quite rightly angry about.

Although those who subscribe to the excellent Passport to Leisure scheme will see prices frozen, the majority of sports facilities will experience price increases of up to 12 per cent, which the Council has put down to massive increases in the cost of fuel.

It does seem strange that at a time when the Council and the government is trying its best to encourage people to play more sport and take more exercise to fight off ill health and obesity, more people are going to be hit in the pocket.

Fitness centre charges at Odsal and Keighley will go up by the biggest increases, of 12 per cent, while sports pitch hire and swimming charges will go up by seven per cent.

While the fact that the rising costs of fuel cannot be disputed and the leisure department, like all others, is facing increased costs, it does seem odd that the price rises are so far above the rate of inflation.

Many of the people who try to provide sporting activities in the district are worried that the higher charges will put people off taking the vital exercise they need.

As one swimming club boss says in the T&A today, the facilities should be less costly, if not free, and more should be done to fund the projects that aim to get children out from in front of their TVs and computer games and into activities that will help them live fuller, longer and happier lives.