Thinking about starting your own business but don't know which way to turn?

If so, why not go along to a free business planning course starting on Tuesday at 6pm?

Funded by Business Link, the course covers everything you need to know about setting up your own business.

The six sessions run for three hours each Tuesday and Thursday.

During the course you will get the opportunity to talk to a panel of expects from organisations -- including Inland Revenue and Trading Standards among others.

A scheme called "New Entrepreneur Scholarship" has also just been launched in the Bradford district, and is available to people who meet certain eligibility criteria.

You may be entitled to apply for a grant of up to £1,500 to pay for equipment etc to get your business up and running.

For information or to book a place on the course, call at Airedale Enterprise Services, Acorn House, Alice Street, Keighley, or phone 01535 607775.