Cubs Under-15s 54 Guiesley 14 - For the third week in a row the Under-15's put more than half a century of points on the score board, but they didn't have things all their own way in the early stages as it was the visitors from Guiseley who scored the first try before a Cawood try and Cartledge goal put the Cubs ahead.

A second try for Guiseley number six Matty Court edged his side ahead but the Cubs remained calm and kept to the game plan. They were rewarded with tries from Ireland, Bolton and Burton all converted by Cartledge to take a comfortable 24-8 lead before half time.

The second period saw them pile on the pressure with tries from Ireland, Haythornthwaite, Menzies on his debut, Walker, Eccleston and Cawood who also added a goal along with two more from Cartledge.

Yorkshire Cup

Cubs Under-14s 26

Clayton 0

The Cubs started off strongly, capitalising on errors from Clayton, and soon ran in a tries from Jack Copperwaite and Ethan Hawksworth. Uncharacteristic handling errors gave away several penalties which handed Clayton their opportunity to press the Cubs line. The defence held out and shortly before half time Jake Waddington crossed to give the Cubs a 16-0 half-time lead.

The second half was very scrappy with both teams giving up possession early in the tackle count. The Cubs defence however was in tremendous form and most of the play was in the Clayton half, a second try by Jack Copperwaite and a try by Scott Cunningham on the final whistle gave the Cubs a comfortable victory.

Huddersfield Sharks 0

Cubs Under-13s 60

The cubs grabbed 12 tries in an easy victory over a plucky Huddersfield side that could not match their power, aggression and skill.

Early tries from Ben Stead, Jordan Aitchison and Chris Spencer who claimed his first hat-trick of the season launched their onslaught.

The game quickly turned into a training game for the cubs who used the opposition to try out expansive passing moves backed up with some strong drives. Paul Feather was particularly effective in taking the ball forward running straight and hard into the Sharks defence to give the Cubs territorial advantage. Indeed the Sharks rarely carried the ball into the Keighley half the whole game. The Cubs defence was outstanding, never losing concentration and leaving no opportunity for the Sharks to apply pressure.

Two tries each for Jordan Aitchison and Conor Caveney setthe tone.

The dependable Martyn Broadley took advantage of a timely pass from hooker Josh Ives to walk through the Sharks twice to continue his impressive scoring run. Jamie Pickles also added to the rout scoring after out-foxing the Sharks by twisting and turning at speed to create an opening in the defensive line. It was also pleasing to see Gwyn Drysdale putting in an outstanding effort in the game and claim his first try of the season and also prove that the Cubs forwards have strength in depth.

Cougar Cubs Under-11s

Brighouse Rangers

The Cubs first home game of the season saw them narrowly beat a determined Brighouse team. They went in at half time all square, Cubs tries for Jack Winterburn, David Meyrick and Aaron Stevens.

The second half saw the Cubs take advantage of the slope and growing in confidence they ran hard at the tough Brighouse defence. Two more tries from David Meyrick sealed the win. Awards went to Adam Robinson (Man of the Match), David Meyrick (coach's award), Jack Winterburn (Top Tackler) and Joe Buckley (Champaign moment).

Cubs Under-8s 30

Halifax Vandals 26

The whole teamed pulled together with some impressive tackling from Joe Marsh, Callum Dickson and Niall Walsh. Excellent running brought two tries for Bailey Horvath with connor Dunford scoring three and Jake Gray one. Liam Stewart is also growing in confidence every week.

Awards went to: Jake Gray (coach's award), Bailey Horvath (top tackler), Liam Stewart (most improved), Connor Dunford (man of the match).

Other results: Under-12: Meltham 6 Cubs 4.