Burley Trojans 3

Kirkby Malzeard 2

BURLEY Trojans produced a tremendous battling performance to snatch a rare victory over old foes Kirkby Malzeard but they left it late.

Leading 2-1 with only two minutes remaining Trojans found themselves pegged back by Paul Abbott's controversial equaliser but within 60 seconds new skipper Kieren Hanogue conjured up a rare headed goal to seal three much needed league points.

Following last week's cup exploits Gary Shankland's side needed to focus on climbing the league table where their early season promise had faded to see them drift into mid table obscurity.

Once again Shankland had to shuffle the pack with last week's hat-trick hero Chris Connolly unavailable and centre-half Stuart Dibb, who became a father during the week, also ruled out by illness.

Shankland stepped very effectively into the breach at centre-half and, with Phil Metcalfe restored to attack Trojans looked equipped to take on opponents who invariably put up a fight and compete for every ball.

Trojans' early threat came from an unlikely source as 'keeper Chris Hargreaves saw one long clearance bounce over the surprised Charlie Scatcherd in the Kirkby goal before he scrambled back to clear.

Another booming clearance then forced Scatcherd to turn the ball on to his own bar. Tom Higman, again impressing on the left wing linked up with Metcalfe to play in Jonny Lofthouse but big defender Andy Dunkley intervened to clear the danger.

In reply Duncan Terry fired over and the dangerous Ashley Atkinson had two good chances in quick succession, seeing a goalbound effort deflected wide and then heading over from the resulting corner.

In a pulsating encounter the first-half action moved constantly from end to end with Craig Renton fired over from 20 yards before Hanogue blocked an Abbott effort. Higman crossed for Ian McKain who headed over before going on a solo run which ended with Scatcherd turning his shot round the post.

The sparse crowd who braved the elements were being royally entertained and it was no surprise when a goal arrived on 15 minutes. When Atkinson reacted first to a ball played over the Trojans' defence to head over the stranded Hargreaves.

The pace of the game dropped but both sides continued to play a very high standard of competitive football. Once again a long Hargreaves kick saw Richard Wood almost profit from Scatcherd's hesitancy and the 'keeper also had to dash from his line again to clear the danger.

Whilst trailing at the break there was plenty of evidence in the first-half to suggest a way back into the game for Trojans.

Trojans almost got off to the worst possible start in the second-half when Hanogue was caught in possession but Paul Pollard failed to capitalise shooting high and wide. The talented Higman turned provider once again this time setting up Wood who saw his effort well saved by Scatcherd.

Trojans finally levelled ten minutes into the second-half when James Hoskin burst through from midfield and pouncing on hesitancy by Dunkley outmuscled the big defender to beat Scatcherd with an assured finish.

Hargreaves had to be at his best to foil Terry as the visitors roared back in a bid to restore their lead. It was however Trojans who struck again mid-way through the half. Metcalfe showed great persistence in chasing down an apparently lost cause and when Scatherd's scuffed clearance reached Hoskin 30 yards from goal he calmly lobbed the retreating 'keeper to the delight of the locals.

The game became increasingly scrappy and tempers began to Fray but referee Mr Haslam managed to keep the lid on affairs. Trojans seemed intent on hanging on to their slender lead as Kirby threw more and more players forward in search of an equaliser.

With just two minutes remaining a Kirkby corner was delivered into the danger zone and with Trojans' players appealing furiously for hand ball the referee waved play on and Abbott gleefully swept home from ten yards.

Trojans looked deflated but it was to their credit that they responded immediately forcing a free-kick. Lofthouse's superb delivery found Hanogue and his fine glancing header arrowed into the bottom corner to spark off jubilant celebrations. There was barely time for the visitors to kick-off before the referee blew for full time and a memorable Trojans victory.

l On Saturday Trojans entertain Kirk Deighton Rangers Reserves, kick-off 2.30pm.